Things that come not back and squaring the ones that can in metal stamping

“Four things come not back—the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity.”

This Arabian proverb has generated multiple variations, but all of them point to the urgency for both self-restraint at times and action at other times.

It’s true, isn’t it, that some destructive words and actions can never be retracted or undone? Once they’re out there, no glue in the world can make them whole again, and no force can put them back in a box.

Building Back to Square
That’s also true with stamping machinery.

Some presses, coil processing, and other equipment are just beyond repair.

However, at other times, repair is an option. Two recent articles present options for press repair or retrofit.

Sometimes, when parts are not stamped properly, it’s not the die that’s at fault; it’s that the press has become out of square or alignment. Machining the bolster, bed plates, uprights, crowns, and gearboxes can get a worn press back to square and producing good parts again. Read the article, “Rebuilding a gearbox and press crowns; 60 steps to getting back to square.”

Often a press retrofit does the trick. By retrofitting existing hydraulic and mechanical presses with fully electric systems, stampers may gain the benefits of servo presses. Read how in “Stamping press retrofits with linear servo technology.”

It’s important to discern when a repair or retrofit makes sense, or when an asset is no longer an asset. “Know when to hold ‘em; know when to fold ‘em,” in the words of the great Kenny Rogers.

Moving on Opportunities
It’s also true than missing an opportunity can be as detrimental as taking a misguided step. Great new technology is being developed continuously. Missing an opportunity to install an up-to-the-minute press, coil feed, automated conveyor system, or lubricant application system can be the mistake you’ll regret.

“Smart inspection planning boosts quality without slowdown,” and “Conveyors, complete scrap processing systems help automate stamping,” point to some new and improved technology that may help accelerate your productivity.

Read more: Things that come not back and squaring the ones that can in metal stamping