As highlighted by Special Springs in their article, “Do Your Gas Springs Have Safety Features?”, safety is paramount in the manufacturing industry. While production often takes center stage, ensuring the safety of employees and equipment is critical to minimizing risks and maintaining operational efficiency.
Special Springs emphasizes the importance of safety through their innovative Lifeplus Concept. This approach integrates cutting-edge safety features that proactively protect employees, tooling, and production processes. Their active safety devices include Over Stroke Active Safety (OSAS), Uncontrolled Speed Active Safety (USAS), Over Pressure Active Safety (OPAS), and Active Protection from Contaminants (SKUDO). These features self-activate automatically when a safety risk arises, reducing the chance of injuries or equipment damage.
For example, OSAS ensures controlled pressure release during overstrokes, while USAS prevents uncontrolled piston rod returns. OPAS safeguards against excessive pressure levels, and SKUDO offers protection from contaminants. These features not only enhance safety but do so without increasing the cost of the cylinders.
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